Vanilla Extract

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Homemade Vanilla ExtractPure vanilla extract is so expensive especially with a house full of kids who love to bake.  Several years ago I discovered how easy (and relatively inexpensive) it is to make with just two ingredients: vanilla beans and vodka.

Now I must pause for just a moment for a funny story related to vodka.  When I was very pregnant with our seventh baby, I realized I needed to get a batch of vanilla extract going before the baby arrived.  I was out running errands one day and decided I should stop to get the vodka while I was out.  Usually I have a least a couple of the older kids with me who can stay in the car while I run in for quick stops.  But, this time I was on my own with the four youngest kids.

I’d decided to make a big batch of vanilla extract so I could have enough for our family and enough to give as gifts.  Without even thinking about the image I might be portraying, I unloaded all the kids from the car and proceeded into the liquor store.

Now, I don’t spend a lot of time in liquor stores, so I wandered around for quite some time before I found what I was looking for.  I made my selection of two LARGE bottles of vodka and made my way to the check out counter with a bottle in each arm, four little ones trailing me like ducks in a row, and my very pregnant belly in front.  I noticed that I was getting some very odd looks from people and wondered why they were looking at me so strangely.  It wasn’t until later that night that it occurred to me what a very pregnant woman carrying two large containers of vodka with four children in tow might look like.  To this day our family still jokes about mom buying vodka, and these days when I go buy the vodka for vanilla I’m very careful to only take my husband with me.

Vanilla Extract
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
1 gallon 5 minutes
Passive Time
3-6 months
Servings Prep Time
1 gallon 5 minutes
Passive Time
3-6 months
Vanilla Extract
Print Recipe
Servings Prep Time
1 gallon 5 minutes
Passive Time
3-6 months
Servings Prep Time
1 gallon 5 minutes
Passive Time
3-6 months
Servings: gallon
  1. Empty and clean the glass jug.
  2. Put vanilla beans in the jug.
  3. Add the vodka (a funnel is helpful).
  4. Put the lid on the jug, and let it sit for 3-6 months.
  5. Put some vanilla in a smaller bottle for everyday use. Add a cute label and ribbon to make a great gift. (I'll add a picture of that as soon as I get some more bottles and labels).
Recipe Notes

Since we have some major bakers in our house and we give pretty bottles of vanilla extract as gifts, I like to make a big batch.  But if you don't need a whole gallon of vanilla extract, just make it in smaller amounts.  I've included several sizes of vanilla bean packages under "Food" on this page.  And you don't have to have exact amounts of beans or vodka.  This recipe is very flexible.

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